A one-stop guide to an informed and empowered birth

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I'm Maggie, a doula, vbac (vaginal birth after c-section) advocate and vba2c mom. I have three kids- a daughter and two sons-and all their births were different. My first birth ended in an unnecessary c-section, 15 years ago. After that, I was determined to have a vbac, but my second birth was met with hospital protocol and resulted in a cbac (c-section after c-section) after 24 hours or labor, which was very hard for me to recover from emotionally and physically. In the process of advocating for myself and finding my power to birth the way I wanted, I have learned a lot about paving the road to an empowered vbac. This resulted in my own out of hospital, vba2c water birth 8 years ago, and put me on the path to bcoming a birth worker and VBAC advocate. I have been a co-chapter leader of ICAN (International Cesaerean Awareness Network) for 8 years and I have worked as a doula for the past 4 years, helping many women achieve vbacs. I have compiled all the knowledge, resources and strategies I have learned along the way into my VBAC Roadmap course. This course will walk you through all the steps along the journey to VBAC. The course includes:

2 hours of videos, accompanying slideshows, medical provider checklist, birth journaling worksheet, birth visualization worksheet, and vbac resources lists!

At the end of this course you will:

Know various strategies to heal and process previous births

Have information and resources to help you choose a vbac supportive doctor or midwife and assemble your birth team

Have a plan to prepare your mind and body for VBAC

Be ready to have the empowered labor and birth that you have dreamed of!

This course was super helpful, informative, and very empowering. I feel inspired all over again, I feel like I can do this! Thank you so much!!

Katie L., Vbac hopeful mom



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